I believed and operated like I was the lead curator of my life. I've been planning since I was little girl growing up on Glasgow, how my life would be. From my education, to my manicured career path, to where I would live...all planned and implemented the way I thought would be best.
And with the blink of an eye, my entire world shifted not a little shift, but a huge paradigm shift. Life-changing! I realize that I am not the master curator of my life. The universe knows what it's doing and my timing is not what's necessary in the big scheme of things. Let me say it again. My timing is not what is set from God!
Growing up I just knew that I would have my PhD before I was 30. I would be married. I'd have at least two kids. I'd be a president or in the c suite before I was 40. I would be a part of many distinguished boards in my community. The legacy that I was taught and had been instilled in me from birth was being developed and birthed to leave an impactful mark in society. I knew I would have an international enterprise of powerful beings touching and changing lives and making a global impact. I had plans! Down to the dates, I knew what my journey was going to look like.
Yet the universe had an entirely different plan for my life. My plan. My schedule...was and is not the universes! The shift has led me to a level of healing, understanding, knowledge, and growth that I would not have been able to do without stepping back and allowing the universe to do what it needed to do! Basically getting out of my own way.
I know that with stillness brings the answer. A healer that has impacted my life, Jasai of Alaiyo Waistbeads shared that silence is God's frequency. When we are silent. When we truly shut everything down and stay in the present, that's when we learn, realize...heal.
We want what we want when we want it...but that's not necessarily what the universe needs. Our journeys don't just impact ourselves. Our journeys are interconnected with others, and sometimes what we're going through is not even for us, but it's a necessity for someone else that is on our journey.
Be patient. Learn to be still. Practice silence. Give yourself grace. Let go and let God do the work that is necessary for your path.
The journey is much easier when you walk the true path that is for you and remove all worries, fears and expectations that you have implemented on yourself and what you've allowed others to throw your way.
The best things show up when we relinquish all that! ✨