Endings are always difficult. Especially when it's unexpected. Or not wanted. This season is always extremely challenging. Most change is. It's uncomfortable. Different than what we're used to. And at the same time it's extremely necessary.
Autumn. Fall. When the leaves change and fall. Shedding so new growth can take place. I've learned on this journey that change is necessary. Not necessarily easy. Yet in order to become the best version of yourself it has to take place. People who you admire, love and respect may have to depart your journey in order to become the best version of themselves. As much as we want them to stay. As much as we feel in our beings they were meant to be with us forever. That's simply not reality.
Loss has been consistent for me over the past few years. A lot of loss. Deep connections. Severed ties. Continuous mourning. Sadness to levels I've never experienced nor would I want anyone that I know to experience. In the same breath...
I recognize and appreciate the journey and deeply believe it's for my higher self. I often tell people, you can't ask the universe for something and then when you get it be upset. I literally ask the universe (often) to remove what no longer serves me for my higher self. I ask this. I pray for this. And yes, the universe delivers with certainty and provides no misunderstandings about who is suppose to be on the journey with me at the time.
Endings have beginnings. Even when it doesn't feel like it. Like the leaves fall. It's only to allow a new bud to bloom. Like the cocoon a caterpillar shelters in, once it's done with the task, a beautiful butterfly appears. We need things to end. To fall apart. So something new can grow.
We can get stuck in comfort. Not wanting to change what's most comfortable for us. Stunting our growth and development. Preventing us from truly doing the work we're meant for in this existence.
Honestly, I don't know if this version of myself would exist if I was still where I was pre pandemic. That hard break was necessary. The complete disconnect was needed. I was not the version of myself that I knew, admired, or loved. Yes, you read that right. That's soul work! Deep diving into my role, participation and accountability of past behaviors and engagement that was not assisting me to get to my higher self. The best version of me. I needed that ending. I needed things to fall completely apart so that I could be with this version of myself.
I learned so many lessons. Things became so clear. Crystal clear to be honest. I plan on sharing some of the significant lessons I learned during this sometimes painful part of my journey on an upcoming podcast episode. So do stay tuned in with me.
There has been valuable enlightenment that has taken place, even over the past few months. Revelations. Epiphanys. Understanding. And most importantly forgiveness. Forgiving myself. And allowing grace for others. Ahead of sharing my lessons; let me share what I strongly believe to be true at least in my experience.
We are on this journey as individuals and we are also part of a collective. Each and all ascending.
Our experiences with others is necessary. Even the unpleasant ones. Life is filled with lessons and blessings. And it's all for purpose. We were not designed to be on this journey alone. We just weren't. What that looks like for each of us is different, yet when we understand life and can see it larger than what your physical eyes can see. It makes sense.
Today I am grateful for all that I experienced on my journey so far. The judgemental beings that crossed my path. The bullies and mean girls. The hurtful comments by men. The emotionally immature souls. The ones who want grace and understanding and lack the ability to return the same. The red painful tattoos that have created deep wounds and visible scars. The shamers. Yes, that includes, the body shamers, income shamers, complexion shamers, education shamers, et. al. I seriously appreciate every type of soul listed and those that are not.
I am so much stronger today because of those significant and impactful experiences. And most importantly I am different because of it. A new dawn is here and with 2024 just months away. I am confident and convinced that the BEST IS YET TO COME! ✨